About this Blogsphere:

This blogsphere attempts to capture, catalog and share resources relating to visual perception of information. It is about a world mostly dealing with Physical (Touch, Taste, See/Sight, Smell and Hear) and sometimes Metaphysical (and that is none-of-the-above category). Physical, for instance, touch (e.g., feel, felt, found), look and visualization, is here with an attempt to combine verbal, vocal and visual--to synchronously see, hear, share and do much more. Interestingly, in order to visualize one does not need special skills, competencies, etc. It is all about common sense, especially with human visualizations. In short, "information is in the eye of the beholder." Continue reading much more all-ado-about this Blogosphere

Akbani is a Cutchi Memon family name.

February 05, 2006

Guided Imagery / Visualization - Uses with the Cancer Patron

By Cheryl Warren, M.S.L.S., ValleyCare Health Library, Pleasanton, CA
Guided imagery or visualization is a technique that uses the imagination to create vivid images that the body can perceive and respond to. Often described as focused day-dreaming, visualization is considered a complementary therapy that works well with traditional treatments. Guided imagery can ease stress, anxiety, enhance personal awareness, and improve psychological coping skills. Because visual imagery has numerous aspects and various components as well as techniques in application, the definitions can vary in meaning from practitioner to practitioner. Continued ...

Contents Include: Web Sites, Literature Search: Guided Imagery / Visualization and Cancer, Collection Development: Guided Imagery / Visualization (Books, Audio-visuals)
Excerpted from Cancer Librarians Section Newsletter, Spring 1999, Updated 2002 [Web site Last modified: 01-April-2003]
About Cheryl Warren who is now at: Las Positas College 3033 Collier Canyon Road Livermore, CA


Anonymous said...

Xc4vVW The best blog you have!

Anonymous said...

3JdA2n write more, thanks.