About this Blogsphere:

This blogsphere attempts to capture, catalog and share resources relating to visual perception of information. It is about a world mostly dealing with Physical (Touch, Taste, See/Sight, Smell and Hear) and sometimes Metaphysical (and that is none-of-the-above category). Physical, for instance, touch (e.g., feel, felt, found), look and visualization, is here with an attempt to combine verbal, vocal and visual--to synchronously see, hear, share and do much more. Interestingly, in order to visualize one does not need special skills, competencies, etc. It is all about common sense, especially with human visualizations. In short, "information is in the eye of the beholder." Continue reading much more all-ado-about this Blogosphere

Akbani is a Cutchi Memon family name.

February 26, 2006

Blogging Spree: Trends in Information Visualization

In how many ways are blogs analyzed? Answer to this is very hard to find.

In the following are few samples that facilitate understanding trends in blogging[i.e., how blogging is gaining acceptance, addiction, attention, etc.]
1. Linkology, By Stuart Luman

There are upwards of 27 million blogs in the world. To discover how they relate to one another, we’ve taken the most-linked-to 50 and mapped their connections. Each arrow represents a hypertext link that was made sometime in the past 90 days. Think of those links as votes in an endless global popularity poll. Many blogs vote for each other: “blogrolling.” Some top-50 sites don’t have any links from the others shown here, usually because they are big in Japan, China, or Europe—regions still new to the phenomenon.
2. Data Mining - A World United by Cartoons:

Here's what DataSphere looks like highlighting the locations which have news articles about (islamic) cartoons [around 10pm on the 15th of Feb]

3. The Virtual Handshake Blog 2/13/2006, Haves and the Have-Nots of the blogosphere,
Posted in Social Network Research, Blogging
by David Teten @ 10:19 am —
4. A Model for Weblog Research
Given that weblogs are now becoming an object of research for social and computer scientists alike, it is perhaps an idea to look for a model (I hate the word).
One model element some think is important is size. The Weblogging Ecosystem workshop (Edinburgh 2006) is running a data challenge:
Much of the interest in research relating to weblogs involves the analysis of large quantities of data. As part of this workshop, we are very excited to provide a data set to the research community. The aim is to encourage the use of this data to focus the various views and analyses of the blogosphere over a common space...

See also:
~~~~metamanda>>weblog information visualization Archives

~~~~Top 50 blogs ranked by Time Magazine in 2005.

~~~~Dissecting Technorati Top 100 and Blog Ranking Algorithms (Promotion)

~~~~Feedster Top 500 - Search Engine Blogs

~~~~[pdf]A study of Blog Search, Gilad Mishne Maarten de Rijke 28th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR'06) 2006

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