About this Blogsphere:

This blogsphere attempts to capture, catalog and share resources relating to visual perception of information. It is about a world mostly dealing with Physical (Touch, Taste, See/Sight, Smell and Hear) and sometimes Metaphysical (and that is none-of-the-above category). Physical, for instance, touch (e.g., feel, felt, found), look and visualization, is here with an attempt to combine verbal, vocal and visual--to synchronously see, hear, share and do much more. Interestingly, in order to visualize one does not need special skills, competencies, etc. It is all about common sense, especially with human visualizations. In short, "information is in the eye of the beholder." Continue reading much more all-ado-about this Blogosphere

Akbani is a Cutchi Memon family name.

November 01, 2013

Growing Veganism at a price, Shilpa Raina

On the eve of 'World Vegan Day 2013: November 1 Celebration of Veganism' the author notes:

Growing Veganism at a price, Shilpa Raina, Weeklyvoice Nov 2, 2013, p. A-6.

Note: The vegan food pyramid when visualized as a graphic becomes a great guide to plan healthy eating. A visual chart shows you how to include organic &/or plant foods into your day to day life.

On the same page (see the image in the above article of The Vegan Food Pyramid, such as, given in the following link):

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