In the following are few samples that facilitate understanding trends in blogging[i.e., how blogging is gaining acceptance, addiction, attention, etc.]
1. Linkology, By Stuart Luman
There are upwards of 27 million blogs in the world. To discover how they relate to one another, we’ve taken the most-linked-to 50 and mapped their connections. Each arrow represents a hypertext link that was made sometime in the past 90 days. Think of those links as votes in an endless global popularity poll. Many blogs vote for each other: “blogrolling.” Some top-50 sites don’t have any links from the others shown here, usually because they are big in Japan, China, or Europe—regions still new to the phenomenon.
2. Data Mining - A World United by Cartoons:
Here's what DataSphere looks like highlighting the locations which have news articles about (islamic) cartoons [around 10pm on the 15th of Feb]
3. The Virtual Handshake Blog 2/13/2006, Haves and the Have-Nots of the blogosphere,
Posted in Social Network Research, Blogging
by David Teten @ 10:19 am —
4. A Model for Weblog Research
Given that weblogs are now becoming an object of research for social and computer scientists alike, it is perhaps an idea to look for a model (I hate the word).
One model element some think is important is size. The Weblogging Ecosystem workshop (Edinburgh 2006) is running a data challenge:Much of the interest in research relating to weblogs involves the analysis of large quantities of data. As part of this workshop, we are very excited to provide a data set to the research community. The aim is to encourage the use of this data to focus the various views and analyses of the blogosphere over a common space...
See also:
~~~~metamanda>>weblog information visualization Archives
~~~~Top 50 blogs ranked by Time Magazine in 2005.
~~~~Dissecting Technorati Top 100 and Blog Ranking Algorithms (Promotion)
~~~~Feedster Top 500 - Search Engine Blogs
~~~~[pdf]A study of Blog Search, Gilad Mishne Maarten de Rijke 28th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR'06) 2006