2013: Google overhauls dictionary as part of project to revolutionise search, Wired UK
2009: "You may have heard that Google is joining the race for the semantic search engine. Semantic search is the capability for a computer to understand what you're searching for based on the meaning behind your words instead of just pulling out keyword-based results. Google is up against a wide range of competitors for the semantic crown including newcomers Kumo, Microsoft's upcoming redesign of Live Search, and Wolfram Alpha-a search engine making some outlandish and unverifiable claims. ... Google is still the same old Google and an excellent first stop for finding information. However, Google is flying the semantic search flag without really delivering a noticeably different experience. If semantic is the future of search, then Google has a long way to go." Google's New Semantic Search: A Test, PCWorld
- What is the term for neglectful spelling of words such as "you" as "u"? English Language & Usage Stack Exchange "is a question and answer site for linguists, etymologists, and serious English language enthusiasts. It's 100% free, no registration required."
- Google: “how can u” vs. “how can an individual” is not really about grammar @ Jerz's Literacy Weblog -- "A Googler who chooses to search for “an individual” rather than “u” or “you” or even “a person” is probably thinking of a word that contrasts with “society,” and that will affect the nature if the results being returned."
- Google boosting search to the speed of sound - Worldnews.com
- Ai Research - Creating a new form of life - Alan logs
- (“Google Standard”?!) English? - OUseful.Info, the blog...
- Can "toast" (as in browned bread) ever be countable ...
- ACRL 2013: Visual Literacy In Action by Greg Hatch on Prezi
- An Introduction to Inertial and Visual Sensing
- U & You turns student life into visual memoirs | The Daily Utah
- The U and You - Salt Lake City, UT - Education | Facebook
- The “U and You” Project: Longitudinal Storytelling Capturing ...
- MySpace comments - Statistical Cybermetrics Research Group
- This Time It's Different: Treasures and Traps in the Next Gen Transition
- Download me—Saying “yes” to the Web’s most dangerous search terms by
- “Texting complaints come from stereotypes” printed ... - linguistic pulse
- Spelling Thee, U and I: English & Globish - Optimized Linguistic ...
- Useful Tips on Improving Your English Using Google
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