"This visualization, by Philipp Steinweber and Andreas Koller, comes from the textual analysis of different religions’ holy books (red = Hinduism, yellow = Buddhism, green = Islam, blue = Judaism, purple = Christianity). Below each character is a list of verbs associated with him or her in each religion." continue reading: Visualization: Character Relationships across Religions From SimilarDiversity.net
- Biblical infographic diagrams: a collection of scripturally-correct infogr
aphic diagrams outlining several major biblical concepts, including "The Seven Thousand Years Of Human History", "The Heavens", "The Resurrections and Judgments", or "The Failure Of Man". these information diagrams were made by Clarence Larkin about 75 year ago &, while appearing sparse at first, seem to pack a lot of information into a concise format.
- Chris Harrison: Visualizing the Bible
- Visualizing the innernet @ Multifaith Information Gateway
- More charts, maps, and graphical visualization of the Bible, as attempted by Clarence Larkin:
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cool stuff
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